Registration No. : RI. 01030120072845
Active Ingredient : Isopropilamina glifosat 240 g/l (setara dgn. glifosat 176 g/l)
Mode of Action : Non-selective Systemic post emergence.
Form : Soluble concentrate.
Color : Yellow.
 Crops Targets  Dosage Methods of application
Oil palm Broad leaf
Synedrella nodiflora Narrow leaf
Axonopus compressus, Ottochloa nodosa
1 – 2 l/ha Spray when weeds are actively growing.Spraying is done in the morning.

No rain is expected to fall 6 hours after spraying.

  • Absorbed & amp; translocated rapidly throughout the plant tissue.
  • Not easily leached by rain water.
  • Does not require the addition of other surfactants.
  • Turn off all parts good weed leaves, stems and roots of weeds.
  • DUPLEX technology that can enhance the capabilities compared to similar herbicides.
  • Weed regrowth time is longer.
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